ferragosto resistente


Centro Panta Rei – Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)




Centro Panta Rei
Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG)

Festival delle Cose Belle is energy, match and dancing fire. A horizontal space in which people and arts, voices and narratives mix to create a future that we already are.

From 12 to 15 August our Tribù delle Cose Belle will light with fluorescent lights the woods of the Panta Rei Center in Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG). For four days. Tirelessly. It will be #FuturoAnteriore, a collective search for a tomorrow entangled in the ancient wisdom of the Earth, in the slowness and simplicity of passion.

The location changes but not the substance: music, art and experiential workshops interweave to generate the example of community that we aspire to. Radically immersed in a wild and irresistible nature.

Live music

Duo Bucolico / Tonino3000 / Claudia is on the Sofa / Cobol Pongide / Marta Fabrizi / DJ set: Mr. Joint Selecta / Aftershow [all night long]: Wilson DJ set 

Feel Fly / Mystic Valley / Shurio / Chantssss / Aftershow [all night long]: Kalé (Lunatica) feat. Pakchoyy (Sinestesie) + Chantssss DJ set / + tba [finalista Contest delle Cose Belle]

Mondocane feat. Egeeno / Banadisa / Linbo / Silvia Cignoli / DJ set: Ka:Lu / Aftershow [all night long]: Baro + Wilson DJ set / + tba [finalista Contest delle Cose Belle]

Ainé / Le Nora / Emma Grace / DJ set: Kalé (Lunatica) feat. Pakchoyy (Sinestesie) / Aftershow [a oltranza]: FDCB Crew DJ set

activities & workshop

La Forma del Fare: laboratorio di pratiche corporee per un movimento consapevole* (Valentina Nicoli) // Workshop di Pittura Rituale del Corpo* (Niko Marinelli) // Workshop di avvicinamento all’Handpan (Davide Friello) // Workshop di Pittura Erotico Rituale** (Niko Marinelli) // Sensoriali delle Cose Belle: un viaggio teatrale tra le emozioni (Matteo De Liberato) // Dare vita all’Utopia: come generare spazi di creatività sociale (Vincenzo Sparagna racconta Frigolandia) // Natura che Cura: laboratorio di pittura botanica meditativa (Pamela Marinelli) // Mindfulness Wake Up! Immersioni di training autogeno e meditazione con alba e tramonto* (Valentina Nicoli) // Passeggiate Consapevoli nel Bosco (Centro Panta Rei) // Sound Walk: alla scoperta del paesaggio sonoro* (Claudia Ferretti Isonde) // Impro-Visione, workshop musicale* (Silvia Cignoli) // Sedute di Yoga Anukalana (Davide Secchi) // Drumming Circle: laboratorio di percussioni tribali (Mastro Beppe) // Workshop Terra Cruda: immaginarsi, ritratti e maschere* (Claudia Zanaga) //  Creare Colore: workshop di videomapping e stage design* (Vj Luper) // Bagno di Bosco: pratiche di riconnessione con la natura (Medicina Forestale) // Gentilentezza: giochi per risvegliare la gentilezza (Movimento Mezzopieno) // La Magia della Stampa Botanica – Ecoprint e Tie Dye Naturale* (Alessia Viberti) // Massaggio in amaca* (Alessia Viberti) // LARP: evadere per gioco, scoprirsi per davvero – giochi di ruolo dal vivo (Cronosfera Viaggi nel Tempo) // Divertirsi con Niente: workshop sui giochi di ieri e di oggi (Cronosfera Viaggi nel Tempo)

* Attività soggetta a contributo economico da destinare in toto al/la formatore/ice
** Attività dedicata alle sole persone maggiorenni d’età

La maggior parte dei workshop verranno realizzati in tutte le giornate del Festival.

resistant spaces

Food & drink // Fair trade market // Barattomatto // Space for children // Jam session // Human library // Interactive exibition ‘Verde suono su tamburi di terra’ // Play area & Playful relax // Forest, a lot of forest

Independent, fluid, eclectic, the Festival delle cose belle waits you to get ourselves lost and find us in a timeless future.

Let's stay togethere here.

informazioni di servizio

The event venue is located near Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG), in the heart of the Umbrian hills and the Lake Trasimeno Regional Park, 45 minutes by car from Perugia and 10 minutes from Lake Trasimeno. The address of the Centro Panta Rei is: Via Campagna 19A, 06065 Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG). You can offer or search for car, van or camper rides on the Facebook open group Tribù delle Cose Belle and on the Telegram group Festival delle Cose Belle 2022. To ensure total immersion in the natural beauty of the Panta Rei Center, we recommend that you leave your cars in the free parking area located at the sports field of Passignano sul Trasimeno in Piazza Pietro Michelangeli. A free shuttle service will be available from the car park to Centro Panta Rei. For a trip with a lower environmental impact, we recommend you to reach Passignano sul Trasimeno by train. The train station is located in the center of the village and is a 10-minute walk from the parking lot of the Passignano sports field located in Piazza Pietro Michelangeli, from which the free shuttle buses will depart to reach Centro Panta Rei. Finally, our travel partner Cocovan offers the possibility to reach Centro Panta Rei by camper and van from Rome, Ancona and Pescara. Find more information on the Cocovan web portal. È possibile offrire o cercare passaggi in macchina, van o camper sul gruppo Facebook aperto Tribù delle Cose Belle e sul gruppo Telegram Festival delle Cose Belle 2022. Per garantire la totale immersione nella bellezza naturale del Centro Panta Rei, consigliamo di lasciare le macchine nel parcheggio gratuito situato presso il campo sportivo di Passignano sul Trasimeno in Piazza Pietro Michelangeli. Sarà disponibile un servizio navetta gratuito dal parcheggio al Centro Panta Rei. Per un viaggio a minor impatto ambientale, consigliamo di raggiungere Passignano sul Trasimeno in treno. La stazione dei treni si trova nel centro del paese e dista 10 minuti a piedi dal parcheggio del campo sportivo di Passignano situato in Piazza Pietro Michelangeli, da cui partiranno i bus navetta gratuiti per raggiungere il Centro Panta Rei. Infine, il nostro travel partner Cocovan offre la possibilità di raggiungere il Centro Panta Rei in camper e van da Roma, Ancona e Pescara. Trovi più informazioni sul portale web di Cocovan.
The AWARE collective, in collaboration with the event partners, will provide a bar and restaurant service for all tastes at popular prices and with a selection of local products. The menus will include vegetarian, vegan, omnivorous and gluten-free dishes, and mix of local ingredients with ethnic inspirations. If a participant has particular food intolerances or allergies, please report it by email to info@beingaware.it, on WhatsApp at +393351696770 or via social media channels at least six days before the event, so as to prepare an ad hoc menu. Anyone is free to access the event with their own supplies but remember that for safety reasons it is not possible to bring glass containers nor to light fires in the entire space of the Panta Rei Center.
The Festival offers a large outdoor natural space where you can sleep in tents at a cost of € 10 for the entire duration of the festival (15 August night included). The camping area will be in the shade of the trees in the woods of the Centro Panta Rei. The camping area is served by ecological bathrooms and outdoor showers. We remind you that it is forbidden to light fires. Anyone wishing to sleep in a camper or van can do so in the space outside the festival area. In the town of Passignano sul Trasimeno there are two camper parking areas, easily found on Google Maps. Finally, for a less natural and more comfortable stay, the Passignano sul Trasimeno area offers many accommodations at affordable prices, such as b&bs, rental houses, hotels and hostels that can be booked online.
The festival area is served by ecological toilets and outdoor showers. Being an entirely self-sufficient facility that uses spring water for its plumbing system, we invite you to use the services responsibly and consciously.
The tickets available are: > Ticket Full Pass €28 to experience the festival from Friday 12 August to Monday 15 August. > Ticket 3-Day Pass €24 to experience the festival from Saturday 13 August to Monday 15 August. > 2-Day Pass ticket €18 to experience the festival from Sunday 14 August to Monday 15 August. > Ferragosto Pass €14 to experience the festival on Monday 15 August. Each ticket solution includes all concerts, talks, screenings and workshops that do not include an additional contribution for the performer (indicated in the program with an asterisk). The tickets available are limited and do not include the cost of the “AWARE – Bellezza Resistente OdV” membership card of € 5, as well as accommodation, meals and drinks. The card is valid for the entire year 2022 and allows access to all AWARE events. In addition to the entrance ticket, it is possible to book a tent spot inside the camping area at a cost of €10 for the entire duration of the event (15 August night included). The contribution for activities not included in the tickets, indicated by an asterisk in the program, can be donated to the artist or performer directly during the event. AWARE and Centro Panta Rei do not withhold any percentage of these contributions, which are entirely intended for those who set up the activity.
Festival delle Cose Belle is an event dedicated to members of the cultural association AWARE – Bellezza Resistente OdV. All expenses related to the event are aimed at covering management and organization costs, as well as supporting the association in its social and cultural promotion activities, and are substantiated in the form of a personal contribution. Therefore access to the event is reserved for those who are part of the association. The card costs € 5, is valid for the entire year 2022 and allows access to all AWARE events.
We expect to be many and to ensure maximum respect for the natural beauty in which we are immersed, we need to limit admissions. We therefore recommend buying tickets online. If there are still tickets available, it will be possible to buy them at the entrance.

Panta Rei is fully immerged in the nature, unfortunately high level accessibility are not guaranteed. However, AWARE volunteers group are committed in offering their support to anyone who might need it to move or to participate in our activities. We ask you to tell us your needs in advance so that we can arrange the accompanying service at our best.

Of course! Many of the scheduled activities are also open to children. Bring them with you to experience the beauty of celebrating together. Animals may also come, but the human beings who accompany them need to take responsibility for their actions of any kind. At the entrance we will ask you to sign a document certifying this. You can download the self-declaration at this link and bring it signed at the festival venue.
The event location is surrounded by the nature of the Lake Trasimeno Regional Park and is based on the values ​​of sustainability and self-sufficiency. This means that it is necessary to pay particular attention to one’s behavior in order to contain the environmental impact of the event. For example, we ask you to use toilet water sparingly and with awareness. Furthermore, AWARE is not responsible for any damage to property or people resulting from activities during the event, or for loss or theft of things during the event. We ask you to pay the utmost attention and kindness to the entire community we will interact with. We cooperate as a tribe.
The organization of the event is committed to ensuring compliance with the health regulations currently in force. At the present moment, the Green Pass is not required to participate in the festival. In the event that the health situation worsens over the next few weeks to such an extent that the event cannot be held, all tickets purchased will be fully refunded.
Write to us on social networks, at info@beingaware.it or on WhatsApp (+393351696770). We will be happy to answer all your questions!

AWARE – Bellezza Resistente è un collettivo per la trasformazione culturale.
Siamo una comunità inclusiva e plurale in cui intrecciare visioni, corpi e azioni.

Aware – Bellezza Resistente OdV | C.F. 93063470699 | info@beingaware.it | +393351696770 | Privacy policy | Cookie policy